Monday 21 March 2011

2001 Maniacs (2005) Dir: Tim Sullivan

Unwatchable drivel.
The plot:
A bunch of obnoxious, death-deserving college students head out for their Spring Break, and make the mistake of stopping off in a town where the residents have actually been dead for 100 years, only they are not ready to accept it just yet.
Sounds reasonably intriguing, I grant you, but this is delivered as such lowest common denominator fare it soon becomes a painful ordeal.
See, everyone appears obsessed by sex and we, the viewer, are meant to find that interesting.
A none stop barrage of smutty innuendo is sent our way so that, far from a horror movie, this feels more like a fucking Carry On film, and a really poor one at that.
Sure, there is some gruel and guts, but I soon resorted to fast forwarding to those bits as I could simply not tolerate the woeful script or juvenile antics.
What makes this all the more unforgivable is that it is a 'reinvention' of a Herschell Gordon Lewis movie entitled Two Thousand Maniacs, a director who, though low-rent, always managed to inject a touch of schlock value to his projects, something that is sadly lacking here.
This may be decent if you are 13 and have yet to touch a tit but for everyone else, avoid.

1 out of 5

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