See, I live in The Midlands, UK.
I am, physically, about as far as it is to get from salt water (fnar, fnar) as it is possible to be in this nation.
And yet....
Man, they fill me with a fear only equalled by wasps and burly builders.
The plot:
Six highly attractive twenty somethings head into the Bayou for a weekend of fun and frolics. Feeling safe, the last thing they expect from an inland lake is to be picked off by man eating sharks but, wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what begins to happen.
How did the sharks get there?
What's with the inbred local sorts seeming to thrive on the attacks?
And why do the big fish seem to be rigged up with cameras?
By every logical measurement, this is awful.
The actors seem to be bewildered for the most part, probably wondering how they ended up doing 3 years at drama school to end up in shit like this.
The direction is lacklustre, almost comical at times.
The script is derisory, the plot nonsensical.
But, let's be honest, no-one's going into this hoping for the next Schindler's List.
Despite the many, many flaws, I have to say I enjoyed this.
Sharks attack, people get dragged around on the surface before disappearing in a spunk of blood.
My only real complaint is that it was way too tame.
Not enough sharks.
Not enough blood.
Not enough limbs being ripped off.
In fact, the shark action, at times, reminded one of Sean Connery era James Bond.
Not utterly awful, but nowhere near as graphic as it needed to be in order to be really, really cool.
3 out of 5