Scoring a lowly 3.3 on IMDB at the time of writing, the appalling rating demonstrates quite clearly what a bunch of fucknuts the movie viewing public tends to be.
The plot:
Two couples go on a camping weekend to a place called Camp Blackwood, referred to by locals as Camp Blood. Indeed, on their way to the campsite they encounter one such bumpkin, who tells them the tale of a killer clown wandering the woods, occasionally striking to claim fresh victims.
On arrival, one of the party notices that the sign for the camp has been vandalised, the word Blackwood replaced with Blood.
See, already that would be sufficient for me to turn tail and flee back from whence I came but no, these imbeciles carry on regardless.
Hooking up with a guide who leads them through the forest to a suitable camp site, they settle down and tell each other spooky stories before retiring to bed to fuck the back out of their mindless selves. Awakening the following morning, a horror awaits: the burnt corpse of their guide. Attempting escape, the party are pursued by a machete wielding maniac in a clown mask.
Will any of them make it out alive?
And did any of them actually go to drama school?
Ultra low-budget, this feels like a high-grade student movie offering rather than a legitimate feature, the extremely short runtime (73 mins) adding to the thought.
With a cast of characters who range from insanely bland to magnificently over-wrought, and acting capabilities that would shame manies the local Am-Dram society, this is for low budget enthusiasts only.
Which returns me to my original point.
Judging this against 'regular' movies is just ludicrous.
Claiming this as 'the worst film you've ever seen' simply singles you out as a dullard.
Think about the context, think about the budget, and think about who this film has been made by and for before making such redundant claims.
Lecture endeth.
Enjoyable slasher nonsense, then.
4 out of 5
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