The sequel to 2003's Open Water - well, of - could the makers possibly repeat the sheer levels of intensity of the original?
Absolutely not.
The plot:
Three couples go for a sailing weekend on board a luxury yacht. One of their number suffers from hydrophobia, due to an unfortunate 'Daddy dying' incident when she were just a bairn and, in a moment of spectacular thick prickishness, the apparent owner of the yacht grabs hold of her and, together, they plunge into the water and, if that wasn't bad enough, everyone else is swimming too, and no-one bothered to deploy the ladder.
Stranded, the 6 must figure out a way to get back aboard the vessel, else face certain death.
With a variety of characters, the inevitable in-fighting and squabbling simply add to their problems and, one by one, the ocean claims them.
Will any of them survive the ordeal?
As a set-up, it's pretty robust.
We get to meet the characters for fifteen minutes or so and, with the exception of the poor wretch who saw her father drown, each is so insufferable you look forward to the coming of their suffering.
Once in the water, it actually gets a little frustrating as they seem to make stupid decision after stupid decision, and don't truly explore all of the alternatives for getting back aboard.
Going for tense and nerve-jangling, instead everything just feels a bit soggy and water-logged and, as a sequel, it compares most unfavourably with the excellent original.
Very average indeed.
3 out of 5
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