Reckoned by many to be the worst movie ever made, it can't be as bad as all that can it?
The plot:
The improbably named Nomi (Elizabeth Berkley) arrives in Las Vegas to become a dancer. She gets an opportunity to see The Most Glamorous Show in Town - lots of twirling and cavorting wearing sequined dresses, splayed legs, feather boas and crushingly awful show tunes - is bowled over, and sets out on her quest to become top dog in the world of the show girls.
And what a steaming pile of dung it is.
I mean, laughably poor.
Berkley couldn't act her way out of a Nativity play, the rest of the cast are as bad, the script is so shocking I'd be surprised if Joe 'Basic Instinct' Eszterhás even got paid and the sex scenes are less arousing, more ludicrous, with Berkley throwing herself hither and thither as though having some kind of convulsion.
Director Verhoeven (and let's face it, the only reason this movie is even being discussed here is because of the Dutchman's pedigree) blotted his copy book with this one, having previously been responsible for, you know, proper movies like Robocop and Total Recall, even Basic instinct, but he would go a long way towards recompense two years hence with the simply stunning Starship Troopers.
As for this?
Worst film ever?
But it would probably make the top 1000.
1 out of 5
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