You see, you get to part 5 in any franchise and the best you can hope for is some semblance of adventure.
Well, unless it's Jo & Sophie's Pleasure Vacation: The Fifth Vibration.
Unfortunately here, the writer's seem to have run out of fuel.
The plot:
A motley assortment of high octane drivers assemble in Rio for 'one last job' and proceed to bore their viewer's into a sense of torpor.
Let me make this absolutely clear: With no sense of shame, I loved the first Fast and Furious movie. High on adrenaline, action and voiture porn, it was proper, muscular cinema.
Now, by part 5, any attempt to make it exciting has been forgotten and, instead, we are given a half baked plot involving The Rock and Vin Diesel in some kind of showdown, an apparent attempt to see who has the biggest shoulder muscles.
And there lies much of the problem.
It's The Rock by a long distance, Vin Diesel almost porcine in comparison.
Sure, some old favourites come along for the ride and, yes, the end sequence with the two cars dragging the safe along is pretty exciting but, frankly, I didn't give one flying shit who won out in the end.
Hopefully this will be the last of them else fast and furious will have to be supplanted by tedious and vaguely angry.
Pretty average.
2 out of 5
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