Updating of the smash 80's TV series - one that never interested us here at Smell the Cult HQ, incidentally - is a fairly turgid affair.
The plot:
Colin Farrell and the always magnificent Jamie Foxx play the lead roles of Crockett and Tubbs, Vice Detectives in, ahem, Miami, who become embroiled in a rather silly, rather incoherent plot involving trafficking of both weapons and drugs.
Along the way there is some guff about White Supremacists, a romantic intermingling of goodies and baddies and the requisite glamour shots of Miami and it's night life.
And it really is a mess.
Farrell and Foxx mumble their way through the script, seeming semi-comatose at times, barely even looking at each other throughout the near two and a half hour run time. Seriously, halfway through I began to suspect this may be a Brechtian reinvention of the detective movie, with Mann implementing the requisite alienation techniques but, alas no, it was simply a little bit dull.
Sure, the speed boats look great.
Sure, the location work is stylishly executed and, yes, Jamie Foxx only really has to be on screen and there is a glimmer of interest.
But there is little else here to hold the attention, save perhaps Farrell's ludicrous moustache and mullet combo which seems to morph into different preposterous combinations with each passing shot.
A desperately dull movie, certainly by Mann's standards, and one that only M.V. purists should bother with.
2 out of 5
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