The conclusion of the Harry Potter saga is a dark, intense, action packed affair.
The plot:
With Ron, Harry and Hermione in search of the missing Horcruxes, Voldemort's plans to destroy Hogwarts, Harry and all who refused to follow gathers momentum.
Can Harry and chums destroy the Horcruxes in time?
Is Ron given so few lines because he can't actually fucking act?
And is it just me, or does Helena Bonham Carter look increasingly like a slightly more demented Anne Robinson?
With seven movies preceding it, it's clear that any attempt at plot catch-up is redundant, so this just plunges straight into the action.
With some nice character interplay, some extraordinarily spectacular battle sequences that remind one a little of the epic scenes in Lord of the Rings, this is both cinematic and dramatic.
With my only previous Potter movie point of reference being the very first outing, which was shockingly awful, this was a genuine surprise. Gone are the kid-friendly antics and childish tone, in their place high drama and genuine scale.
Whilst I don't think this is a movie that would tolerate many repeat viewings, still there was enough density of plot to suggest at least one more watch could reveal extra detail.
Throw in the fact that the cream of British acting talent are all present, correct and clearly loving every bally minute of it and what you have is a proper cinema experience.
As ever, I watched it in 2D as 3D holds no interest, and I can see little of value that could be added here.
A fine conclusion to the series, and one that has tempted me to possibly go back and watch the earlier movies, though I think I'll start at number 3, where the darkness apparently kicks in.
Good stuff.
4 out of 5
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