Monday, 13 June 2011

Street Trash (1987) Dir: J. Michael Muro

Some films just scream cult classic.
The plot:
An unscrupulous off licence owner discovers a case of something potent called Viper in his basement and, not really knowing what it is, decides to sell it to the local wino's.
Good idea.
Except for the fact that something in the extra strong brew causes the flesh to slew from the bones in a shower of rampant gore.
With clear social commentary cutting through the madness, this does what good horror should do and sends a message as well as causing disgust.
Whilst the level of production is poor even for low budget offerings, this is clearly because all of the budget was spent on the SFX, and absolutely splendid they are too.
Fans of splatter will be well and truly satisfied by this, as the melting sequences are truly grotesque. Indeed, this is perhaps the most notorious of the bunch of movies loosely brought together under the umbrella term 'melt movies,' though Brian Yuzna's Sociey and Robert Feust's The Devil's Rain are also strong contenders, with honorable mentions for Body Melt and Class of Nuke 'Em High.
As far removed from mainstream horror (the Saws, the God awful Michael Bay produced remakes et al) as it is possible to get, this is one for cult devotees only, and only those with a strong stomach need apply.
Good stuff.

3 out of 5

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