Monday, 13 June 2011

Toy Story (1995) Dir: John Lasseter

Pixar's breakthrough smash hit is a sentimental, though reasonably engaging affair.
The plot:
Woody is a toy cowboy whose owner, Andy, receives a birthday gift of Buzz Lightyear, a swanky, confident spaceman, with wings, a laser beam and communications systems.
Understandably, Woody is concerned that, with Lightyear in the picture, he will be cast aside with all the other unwanted toys.
And it is really enjoyable.
Pixar somehow manage to walk that line between sentimental cosiness and puke inducing saccharine, always staying just this side of acceptable, their movies feeling warm and lovely rather than racking you with stomach cramps.
Even the presence on lead voice of Tom 'despicable entity' Hanks can't ruin this one.
Not perfect - the songs are a little hard to take - this is nevertheless a confident, engaging introduction to the creative powerhouse that Pixar would swiftly become.

3 out of 5

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