The best of the Toy Story movies and, it must be said, one of the best third parts in any movie franchise, with the movies getting stronger as the series progressed.
The plot:
Andy's all grown up now, 17, and heading off to college. His mom instructs him to sort out his room before he leaves, take what he wants with him, store what he wants to keep in the attic and junk the rest. Intending to keep Woody with him, and store all the other toys, his mother misunderstands and mistakenly sends the bag with the toys out for the bin men to collect.
So begins a rollercoaster ride as Woody tracks them down and tries to convince them to return home. Along the way, they'll be imprisoned, be menaced by a giant baby-thing and a large purple bear, and slide inexorably towards a fiery pit of death.
With lashings of humour, this is multi-layered to the point that it is almost like two films are playing at once; one for the growed ups, and one for the kids.
The sentimental stuff is dealt with wonderfully well - at no point is the bile gland ever activated.
With some genuinely heart-plucking moments, an ending so riven with pathos, seriously, if you aren't touched you have no fucking soul, and a really fantastic cameo from Studio Gibli's Totoro, John Lasseter paying due deference to Miyazaki, as well he should.
Don't be put off by the thought that these are kids films.
They are that, but much more besides.
Loved this.
5 out of 5
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