There are some horror franchises which really make you glad to be alive.
The Puppet Master series is one of them.
The plot:
It's World War 2, and Hitler is running rampant across Europe. Not by himself, admittedly, but you take the point.
A puppeteer of extraordinary talent, André Toulon, performs a show that makes a mockery of The Führer. When evil Major Krauss - played by the wonderfully deviant-looking Richard Lynch - gets wind of this, the show is shut down, Toulon imprisoned. But Toulon's journey does not end there, as one sharp eyed Nazi spied that his puppets seemed to have a life of their own and, upon further investigation, discovers that Toulon was injecting the wooden creatures with a mysterious, life giving substance.
Well, as sure as a sense of deep guilt and profound disappointment follows masturbation, Krauss wants to get his hands on the substance, to please Herr Führer and, possibly, to win the war for Germany.
Patent nonsense, of course, but it's all done with such a knowing sense of mischief that it matters not one jot. Everyone involved clearly knows it's a load of old cobblers and decide, to hell with it, let's just enjoy the ride
Made by Full Moon Productions, you can expect pretty low production standards and dodgy acting, just as we have come to know and love.
For those not familiar with the Puppet Master series, this is really just about the dolls, and specifically their powers:
Blade - Sinister looking MoFo who, yep, slashes everything in sight with a knife.
Jester - Harlequin doll with a head split into three parts that rotate independently. Doesn't really do much, but looks pretty cool.
Pinhead - Massive body. Tiny head. Very strong. Much like my cock.
Tunneler - Atop the head is a rotating drill that can be used to burrow through things: walls, mattresses, human flesh.
Leech Woman - Once the victim is immobilised by the rest of the gang, Leech Woman leers over them and regurgitates a leech straight down their food pipe.
They're a crazy bunch.
With ten films in total in the series, they can't all be good but, truth be told, I'm yet to see a bad one.
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