So, October comes and, like dark and dingy evenings, gusts of wind and fine drizzle, so too arrives the new Paranormal Activity movie.
Part 3 this year and, after the heights of 1 and 2, it's really got a lot to live up to.
The plot:
It's 2005, and Katie from part 1 delivers a box of old VHS tapes to her sister Kristi, from part 2.
You following?
On the tapes, we as viewers witness the events in 1988 that introduced the demonic menace to the lives of the then two young girls.
Things go bump in the night, doors open and close by themselves and, occasionally, pieces of furniture are flung around the house.
That's it.
For 86 minutes.
Continuing the stripped down, ultra realistic style of the first two, this time the focus shifts to the children in the house and, crucially, this is an origins story, as the pieces are put into place that reveal how the malevolent force came to be. With the occasional moment of genuine terror, there is slight shift in tone, too, as humour is used for the first time, though dark humour at that.
Perhaps not quite as gripping as 1 and 2, still the people in the cinema seemed to be having a good time, with some even screaming out loud at some of the more jumpy moments.
Decent stuff, then, but a part 4 might be pushing things too far.
4 out of 5
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