Thursday, 10 February 2011

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Dir: William Shatner(!)

You remember this one.
You know you do.
Here's a quick reminder:
Kirk, Spock and Bones at Yosemite.
Uhura dancing suggestively.
Scotty's paunch.
Spock appears to be turning to leather.
Kirk battles and actually manages to defeat 'God.'
Oh, there's some guff involving the Romulans and the Klingons but, frankly, who cares as this is an absolute mess.
The humour, such an effective ingredient in Trek IV here feels forced and contrived.
The crew, whilst hardly at their best in the last two outings, now appear to be teetering on the brink of senility.
It has oft been said that the odd numbered Trek movies are poor and, with this as Exhibit A, it seems there is some validity to the argument.
Things are set to improve markedly with the next movie, though, so fear not.
And to think, this was released the same year the magnificent third season of The Next Generation aired.
Picard must have been laughing all the way to the holodeck.

2 out of 5

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